Who We Are
The corporation in 1997, when my father, William V. McCann, passed away, was operating a small 150 cow/calf commercial operation, with a polled Herford, Red Angus base, crossed with shorthorn. It was a family operation where my father and a hired man took care of the day to day needs of the cattle, I took care of the business side of things, and my wife Lori and I, along with our children, Mindy, Bill, III, Jason and Aaron, would help with branding, hauling and stacking hay, and wherever we were needed. After my father’s passing, my wife, Lori, myself, and our son, Jason, took over full operations. Our other children were off to college, marriage, and raising their own children outside of Idaho. Our goal at that time was to increase the vigor of the herd, to increase the pounds on the animals and to build a stronger base. We grew from that small 150 head to over 360 head of commercial cows. We also started a program where we bred Wagyu bulls to our first calf heifers, for their calving ease and premium price. We began purchasing higher quality bulls and culling out animals for bad dispositions, bad teeth, and bad bags. Approximately 9 years ago as Jason was researching for some quality Red Angus bulls to continue developing our herd, he found the Crump Red Angus program. We started purchasing the Crump bulls and watched our herd improve immediately. The mothers had better milk production, raised bigger and stronger calves, which turned into better profits upon weaning and selling the calves.

J.P. McCann (Joseph P. McCann) Bill's grandfather

William V. and Gertrude McCann, Bill's Parents

Bill Jr. and Lori McCann

Gracie, Kylee, Jason and Halle Beck
In Loving Memory Of